Alarmed by the news that 52 occupations are flagged to be removed from the SOL? Many of our clients have been very concerned about this news. Let us break it down for you.
What: 52 occupations on the SOL have been flagged to be removed, ranging from Accountant to Chef to Civil Engineer. The Immigration Minister has also confirmed that the CSOL list is under review and that it may be ‘condensed’.
Why: Occupations are usually flagged when there seems to be an oversupply in labour.
When: Any update to SOL will be in effect from 1 July 2017. Any updates to CSOL can come into effect any time during the year.
What does this mean for me? Yes, having an occupation listed on the SOL means that you have access to many direct-to-PR pathways that others do not. If your occupation is removed, you will no longer be eligible for the 189, 489 and the Graduate Work Stream of the 485 visas. Now how about the CSOL? If your occupation is removed from the CSOL, you will no longer be eligible for the 457, 186, 187 and 190 visas.
Is there any good news?
As alarming as this news may be, it is important to note this fact: just because they are FLAGGED for removal does not mean that they WILL be. 34 of the 52 occupations were also flagged last year, but they have remained on this year’s SOL. In fact, occupations like ‘accountants’ and ‘chefs’ have been flagged for removal two other times in the last 3 years.
Our conclusion:
Although you don’t need to be too alarmed, the double impact of having the SOL and CSOL under review and pressure to be cut does mean that you should act fast. Have a clear migration plan and act on it ASAP.
Here at Skylark Migration, we offer free, 1-to-1 initial consultations. If you would like to understand your options or have a chat, please book your consultation today: www.skylarkmigration.com.au/booking.
The full list of flagged occupations can be found here: https://www.education.gov.au/flagged-occupations-sol-2016-17