We have just received an important announcement from ACT government that it is suspending it's 190 nomination program. This follows the breaking news from yesterday about skilled migration minimum points increasing to 65. Here's our easy-to-read break down of this news.
WHEN: 4pm, 29 June 2018
WHAT: Given the significant demand and relatively limited spaces, ACT has suspended the 190 nomination program for all Canberra residents whose nominated occupation is on the 'closed list'.
Unfortunately, effective immediately, those living in Canberra will no longer be able to apply for ACT state nomination if your occupation is on the 'closed' list.
This means occupations like Accountant (General), Marketing Specialist, Sales & Marketing Manager, Construction Project Manager, ICT Business Analyst. For the full list of open and closed occupations, click here. If your occupation is on the 'open' list, you are not affected by this change and can apply as per usual.
We understand that most Canberra residents were hoping to apply for PR under the 'closed occupations', that some may have even relocated interstate to take advantage of this. This is likely a temporary measure, however we do not know when this suspension will be lifted. We will monitor this situation closely and provide updates as soon as they become available.
Unfortunately there isn't too much you can about your ACT State Nomination until they reopen the program. What you can do is to understand what's happening so you can be prepared and make plans.
Earlier this week we published the following blog post about ACT cancelling their proposed changes. Whilst they implemented even more drastic change with this news today, the blog post discussed the ACT's intention to find a better way to manage their state nominations, looking at options such as introducing a Canberra Matrix. Read more here.
If this affect you, no doubt you will have many questions and concerns. Please feel free to book in a free consultation with our principal migration agent to discuss your situation here.
Here's a screen shot of the original notice from ACT government: