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[NEWS] Immigration Fees Update for All Visas From 1st July 2021

From 1st July, immigration fees for citizenship will increase by 72%. The citizenship application fee has not been changed since 2016! But did you also know, inline with inflation there will be a fee increase of 1.75% for most visa types?

Here's a quick 1-minute summary of everything you need to know and how it impacts you.


New visa application changes (VAC) from 1 July 2021 for common visa types:

To find out the full list of VAC changes, please visit the Department's website here.

"Are there are VAC changes to Bridging visas?"

Bridging visa B fee has gone up from $155 to $160. There is no change to any other bridging visa fees.

Department of Home Affairs will have updated their fees page by 1st July, you will be able to find more information here:

"Is there anything else I should know about the fee change?"

If you can apply for your visa application before 1st of July, the current fee will apply and you should aim to lodge before 1st of July to avoid the fee increase if possible.

Also, you should note that BPAY payments are down until 1st of July so you will need to pay via credit or debit card, PayPal, or UnionPay, your application and fee will generally be received on the same day.


Applying for your Australian citizenship? Book in for a free consultation to speak 1-to-1 with our migration experts today for that extra peace-of-mind!



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