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Your Ultimate Guide to Immigration Occupation Lists [Updated with 494 and 491 Regional Visas]

Your Ultimate Guide to 17th Jan Skilled Occupation List Changes

What is the Ultimate Guide?

Ever since the old CSOL and SOL were removed, the occupation lists have become more complicated than ever. There are now occupation lists for 11 different visa streams/subclasses across 6 different legislative instruments!

"Which occupation list do I use?", "Which visas can I apply for?", "Short term lists, long term lists...can I actually apply for PR after my TSS/regional visa?" 😫

...such simple questions became SO HARD to answer!

To save you the stress, we combined all the occupation lists into 1 simplified, easy-to-understand comparison table.

Thus became the Ultimate Guide, the only occupation list you need. Proudly brought to you by the team of former-Immigration officers and migration experts here at Skylark Migration.



1. Find your relevant occupation (or the occupations you are interested in - the Ultimate List is conveniently sorted by ANZSCO code so that all the similiar occupations to yours are grouped together)

2. Discover which visa types you can apply for!

(Click image to download)

The Ultimate Guide to Immigration Occupation List
(Updated 16 November 2019)


After knowing which visas you can actually apply for, it's easy to then find the eligibility criteria for that visa type on the website. Here are all the links for your convenience:

Don't want to think about this? Have questions or concerns? Don't worry all by yourself, we are here to help! Feel free to book in your FREE 1-to-1 consultation today.

Our former-Immigration visa processing officers and migration experts have helped thousands of people with their migration journey. We look forward to helping you!




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